All answers are right here.


Does my child need to be a naturally talented musician?

There’s a common myth that children have to have a natural talent to play well. However, what really matters most is self-motivation, self-discipline, and consistency. You’d be amazed how well music can sound after quality instruction and practice.

Do I need an acoustic piano to begin?

No, buying a full-size (88-keys) digital piano is an excellent starting point. Many families decide to upgrade to an acoustic piano once they see their children blossom. If you don’t have an instrument at home yet, I’d be happy to help you find one.

Why choose our studio?

We are the only bilingual piano studio in Puerto Rico that offers a balanced curriculum, where children can receive professional musical instruction and develop a mindset of growth. These skills will eventually enhance other areas of their lives.

Who is this program for?

Families interested in the piano, as well as the self-development and growth of their children.

Does your studio put on recitals?

Yes. We offer multiple performance opportunities throughout the year at venues with gorgeous recital halls, such as the Conservatorio de Música in Miramar. You can watch them here.

Why is it important for my child to become exposed to quality musical education?

Creativity plays a huge role in expanding children’s intelligence and serves as a healthy emotional outlet. When children, especially teenagers, are exposed to music, they become happier, well-adjusted individuals.

Do you offer lessons for Adults?

Yes. We have a program designed for busy professionals. Please check out the details here.



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